Au Gagne Petit bookshop

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‍♀️ We are an independent, generalist bookshop. ‍♀️ We offer novels, thrillers, comics, mangas... (adults and young people) and also board games (Skyjo, Duel, Dooble...), stationery, cards...
☺️ At the bookshop, if you don't have enough gift inspiration, you can pick up a gift card of any value, valid for 6 months. We accept several methods of payment: - CB / cash / cheques; - Pass'région; - Pass culture; - Okay Savoie; - Chèques culture / lire; - Upcadhoc; - Kadéos Edenred.


4 Place Charles Dullin, 73170, Yenne
All year round, every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.